E76: Brant Cooper on How to Start As Lean Entrepreneur and Build A Lean Brand

 Brant Cooper

(The NYT BestSelling Author of The Lean Entrepreneur and the Co-Founder of Moves the Needle)

brant cooper on be efficient tv with ahmed al kiremli

E54: Why We Resist Change, What’s The Resistance Cycle of Change and How to Apply a Smooth Change? – Interview with Patti Hathaway

Patti Hathaway

          (CEO of The CHANGE AGENT & Preventing School Failure, Patti is a Business Advisor and Bestselling Author of 5 Books, she’s an expert in Customers and Employees Loyalty and Change Management)

Patti Hathaway on Be Efficient Tv with Ahmed Al Kiremli 2

Why People resist change & What are the required steps to apply smooth change? What’s The Resistance Cycle in Change? Why we should let go sometimes to apply change?

Which industries in general struggles more to apply customers loyalty and why? What are the main areas to focus on to impact the level of customers’ loyalty to any company? Customer Loyalty Challenges Vs. Customer Leadership Challenges? 

E40: How to Start with the Customer & Think Backward to Create A Customer-Centric Company – Interview with Dr. Lynn W. Phillips, PhD

Lynn W. Phillips, PhD

(Award-Winning Scholar, Executive Educator in Customer Value Delivery, Founder and Managing Director of Reinventures)


What are the main Aspects of Creating A Customer-Centric Enterprises, How to Measure the Customer-Centric Growth? How to Improve your Customer Value Proposition, Customer Satisfaction and Contracts Win Rate?

 What is VDS? and What’s is DITLOC? Which University is the Best in the World for Entrepreneurs?

E9: How to Start A Customer Loyalty System Company in Dubai without any Trade License Fees and Raise Capital For it – Interview With Ismail Issa

Ismail Issa

 (Entrepreneur & Technology Evangelist, Co-Founder and CEO of Ta3rifa)

Interview with Ishmail Issa on Be Efficient TV with Ahmed Al Kiremli

How to Raise Money for Your Startup in Dubai and Register it Offshore

How to Start a Company in Dubai without Paying any fees for the Trade License